We work with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, academics, practitioners, and regional institutions of higher learning to create an ecosystem where policy makers, practitioners (from the ‘global north & south’), refugees and academia can interact. In doing so, we influence regional refugee policy and legislation through evidence-based data.

The Centre also welcomes (and hosts) researchers & volunteers from the global north seeking to undertake research in the various urban and camp settings in the region. Our aim is to promote meaningful/mutually beneficial collaborations and networks between local actors and institutions on one hand and institutions/ actors from the ‘global north’.

As advocates of localization, work with refugee scholars as well as urban refugee communities in all areas of our research and trainings in a bid to amplify their voices, document their lived experiences and promote self-reliance/livelihoods.

The Centre’s work revolves around the following broad thematic areas : -

  1. Climate change, conflict & displacement,
  2. Refugee & IDP protection (law/policy training),
  3. Refugee Status Determination procedures training,
  4. Migrant & Refugee education and Inclusion/Refugee-led Organization Capacity Building,
  5. Social cohesion and Livelihoods,
  6. Complementary Pathways.